Terms of Service

as of May 21st, 2018

1. Acceptance of Terms

By accessing this web site, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, and that you are responsible to ensure that your use of this site complies with all applicable laws. Your continued use of this site implies your acceptance of these terms.

2. Description of Service and Registration

myPrayerJournal is a service that allows individuals to enter and amend their prayer requests. It requires no registration by itself, but access is granted based on a successful login with an external identity provider. See our privacy policy for details on how that information is accessed and stored.

3. Third Party Services

This service utilizes a third-party service provider for identity management. Review the terms of service for Auth0, as well as those for the selected authorization provider (Microsoft or Google).

4. Liability

This service is provided “as is”, and no warranty (express or implied) exists. The service and its developers may not be held liable for any damages that may arise through the use of this service.

5. Updates to Terms

These terms and conditions may be updated at any time, and this service does not have the capability to notify users when these change. The date at the top of the page will be updated when any of the text of these terms is updated.

You may also wish to review our privacy policy to learn how we handle your data.